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Manage back pain with cryotherapy

Cryotherapy may help manage your back pain

Degenerative spine disease, or other limiting back conditions can lead to chronic back pain and significantly reduce a person’s quality of life affecting daily, physical and workload activities (Dehghan & Farahbod., 2014). Back pain is one of the most common health problems in industrialised countries, and it is predicted that 80% of the population will develop acute or chronic back pain at least once in their lifetime (Dehghan & Farahbod., 2014). Lower back pain, after the common cold is the most widespread health condition in human beings and the second most common cause for referral to a physician (Furlan et al., 2009). It is also known that degenerative spine changes affect about 50% of the population over the age of 55 and 100% over the age of 65. These degenerative changes can lead to joint pain and limitation in motor function (Szpruch., 2018).

Back pain symptoms to look out for

……which may suggest it might be worthwhile getting an investigation include:

Degenerative Back Disease

  • Pain that can range from nagging to intense disabling pain
  • Pain that increases when sitting for extended periods of time
  • Pain may increase when performing tasks that require twisting, lifting or bending
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Pain may decrease when remaining active and walking
  • Pain may affect the low back, buttocks and thighs
  • Pain can be felt in the neck and may radiate into the arms and hands
  • Pain lessens with the frequent change of position or when lying down


Cryotherapy may help you if you identify with the above

Recent research has identified that cryotherapy can be a useful treatment to reduce back pain, helping an individual to regain this quality of life they have lost (Dehghan & Farahbod., 2014). Whole-body cryotherapy exposes patients to extremely cold air temperatures (-85℃ to -110°C). It is reported that this exposure to cold temperatures increases the stimulation threshold of sensory nerve endings and slows down the conduction rate of peripheral nerves. This results in a decrease of the harmful receptive information transmitted from the conducting nerve fibres to the spinal cord. This can lead to reductions in the activity of the spinal olfactory nerve cells and therefore reductions in pain (Gong et al., 2011). The cryotherapy also has an analgesic effect, which leads to reductions in pain.

Cryotherapy Studies

Studies have applied whole body cryotherapy for multiple spinal conditions including: inflammatory states of spinal vertebrae joints, degeneration and inflammatory states of joints (monoarthritis, osteoarthritis and oligoarthritis) (Misztela., 1995), rheumatoid arthritis, spinal overuse injuries, low back pain diseases (Cholewka., 2004). Gong et al (2011) concluded that whole body cryotherapy combined with spinal decompression therapy is a safe and appropriate adjunct treatment for cervical disc herniation.

Hear what one of our clients thought after they tried whole body cryotherapy ….

Really wonderful place, i went in the cryochamber, really refreshing experience!
My back felt better later in the day, also had a b12 shot, really easy and everything was explained to me, lovely staff, they really put you at ease, would highly recommend.


It is clear from the presented research that cryotherapy is a useful treatment for many individuals who suffer from back pain or degenerative spine conditions.

How often should you use cryotherapy for back pain?

You cannot over dose on the use of whole body cryotherapy! Some of our regular athletes\clients use it 2-3 times per day when they are training for a competition or challenge.   If you are using it for wellbeing or as a pain managment tool consider 1-2 sessions per week.   With the varying options available you should find the perfect solution for you, this could be unlimited per month, one per month, a block of 5 to 10 chambers or a single chamber. Please give us a call on 01732 449411 if you would like to learn more about our cryotherapy packages and membership plans.

Submitted by

by Jennifer Hamer BSC


Cholewka, A. (2004). Temperature effects of whole body cryotherapy determined by termography. Thermol Intern, 2, pp.57-63. Dehghan, M. and FarahbOD, F. (2014). The efficacy of thermotherapy and cryotherapy on pain relief in patients with acute low back pain, a clinical trial study. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, 8(9), p.LC01. Furlan, A.D., Imamura, M., Dryden, T. and Irvin, E. (2009). Massage for low back pain: an updated systematic review within the framework of the Cochrane Back Review Group. Spine, 34(16), pp.1669-1684. Gong, W., Ma, S. and Ro, H. (2011). Effect of whole body cryotherapy with spinal decompression on cervical disc herniation by digital infrared thermal imaging. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 23(1), pp.107-110.  Misztela, A. (1995). Evaluation of whole body cryotherapy in rheumatoid joints inflammation. Baln Pol, 37, pp.38-41.  Moeritz, S., Schmudermaier, M. and Gustorff, B. (2008). Daily superficial cryotherapy reduces low back pain during pregnancy in women with musculoskeletal pain: 11AP2-7. European Journal of Anaesthesiology (EJA), 25, p.163.





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